INPACC Inception Workshop 2023


Energy and Climate Change related works


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Cross-Cutting Themes

Haze Outlook 2024 Report

The Haze Outlook 2024 report provides a risk assessment of the probability of a transboundary haze incident affecting Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore for the year ahead. This is based on research conducted by the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), a leading think tank in the region. This is the 6th edition of the Haze Outlook, and it has emerged as a leading report on this important issue. The Haze Outlook 2024 was directed by Simon Tay, Chairman, SIIA and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. The authors are Aaron Choo, Khor Yu-Leng, and Nithiyah Tamilwanan, who are respectively Senior Assistant Director (Special Projects and Sustainability), Associate Director (Sustainability) at the SIIA, and Research Associate at Segi Enam Advisors. All views expressed in the report are those of the authors, unless otherwise credited.

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Just Energy Transitions


INPACC Inception Workshop 2023

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Heat stress causes lower fertility, productivity and reduced cognitive capacity: Project HeatSafe

Led by Lead Principal Investigator Associate Professor Jason Lee, Deputy Director of the Human Potential Translational Research Programme (HPTRP), and Director of the Heat Resilience and Performance Centre at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine), Project HeatSafe is the first large-scale study in Singapore and the region aimed at investigating the impact of rising heat levels on the health, productivity and well-being of occupational workers in tropical climates such as Singapore, on an individual level, as well as the impact of heat stress on a macroeconomic and national level.

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