Exploring multiple themes of the INPACC areas

Cross-Cutting Themes Resources

Cross-Cutting Themes
Haze Outlook 2024 Report
The Haze Outlook 2024 report provides a risk assessment of the probability of a transboundary haze incident affecting Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore for the year ahead. This is based on research conducted by the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA), a leading think tank in the region. This is the 6th edition of the Haze Outlook, and it has emerged as a leading report on this important issue. The Haze Outlook 2024 was directed by Simon Tay, Chairman, SIIA and Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore. The authors are Aaron Choo, Khor Yu-Leng, and Nithiyah Tamilwanan, who are respectively Senior Assistant Director (Special Projects and Sustainability), Associate Director (Sustainability) at the SIIA, and Research Associate at Segi Enam Advisors. All views expressed in the report are those of the authors, unless otherwise credited.
Cross-Cutting Themes
Resilience for All: Enabling Transformative Implementation - 8th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum: Summary Report
Coming out from the forum outcomes, this publication offers recommendations, pathways and entry points for policy makers, academics, research organisations, non-government organisations, private sector, funding institutions and global and regional negotiations on developing strategies and approaches to achieve transformative adaptation within the Asia-Pacific region. This publication encapsulates the summary and key messages of the 8th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) held in Songdo, Incheon City, Republic of Korea from 28 August to 1 September 2023.
Cross-Cutting Themes
A Pacific community resilience framework: Exploring a holistic perspective through a strengths-based approach and systems thinking
Abstract: The impacts of climate change in the Pacific and worldwide have prompted researchers and practitioners to find ways to define, assess and support community resilience. This paper presents a community resilience framework to help meet this challenge. While traditional framings of resilience in scholarship are often based on deficit models that focus on vulnerability and gaps, this framework draws on strengths-based principles and systems thinking approaches to support a holistic and integrated perspective of community resilience. Pacific community resilience literature underpins the framework, which values and prioritises diverse community insights to support locally defined pathways towards adaptation and resilience building. We offer examples of future application of the framework in a range of contexts such as research, programme design, strategic policy, programme implementation or evaluation.
Cross-Cutting Themes
GEDSI and Climate Change
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Disaster risk reduction and climate change in planning and designing economic infrastructure in Southeast Asia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Climate (adaptation) finance in the Indo Pacific
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Cross-Cutting Themes
Climate change risks and adaptation in urban settlements
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023