Human health is intricately connected with our natural environment, and climate change impacts human health in both direct and indirect ways. The health impacts of climate change are inequitably distributed both globally and within countries, and this is starkly evident across the Indo-Pacific region. By applying a health and justice lens to policy and program development, we can ensure that the healthiest climate policies and actions – those that prioritise human health, wellbeing and justice – are pursued.

Health Resources

Changing climates, compounding challenges: a participatory study on how disasters affect the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Fiji
Pacific youth are at the forefront of the climate crisis, which has important implications for their health and rights. Youth in Fiji currently bear a disproportionate burden of poor experiences and outcomes related to their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This study underscores the urgency for addressing existing social and health inequities in climate and disaster governance. It highlights four key implications for reducing youth SRHR risks through whole-of-society approaches at multiple (sociocultural, institutional. governance) levels.
Heat stress causes lower fertility, productivity and reduced cognitive capacity: Project HeatSafe
Led by Lead Principal Investigator Associate Professor Jason Lee, Deputy Director of the Human Potential Translational Research Programme (HPTRP), and Director of the Heat Resilience and Performance Centre at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore (NUS Medicine), Project HeatSafe is the first large-scale study in Singapore and the region aimed at investigating the impact of rising heat levels on the health, productivity and well-being of occupational workers in tropical climates such as Singapore, on an individual level, as well as the impact of heat stress on a macroeconomic and national level.
IPCC 6th Assessment Report, Chapter 7: Health, Wellbeing and the Changing Structure of Communities
Climate Change & Health: Priorities Areas in Malaysia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Initiatives for Addressing Health Risks of Climate Change in South Asia
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
Heat Health
INPACC Inception Workshop 2023
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